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Please ensure you read our terms & conditions before booking your valet.

Before booking in a valet with Lightbody Motors, you should ensure that you’ve read and understood the following terms & conditions. By making a booking, you’re confirming acceptance of these conditions:


• The valet will be carried out at a location of your choice. You must ensure that there is sufficient space for us to park our van, unload and use any necessary tools, and move freely around your vehicle. We’re unable to work on a main road.


• Safe access to a power source in order to plug in an extension cable is required.


• If the chosen location requires a parking permit, this must be obtained and provided to us prior to work commencing. If any parking charges or fines are incurred as a result of your chosen location, you will be responsible for paying these.


• A non-refundable deposit is required to secure all bookings. We’re happy to rearrange appointments with a minimum of 48 hours notice, anything less than this will be subject to management discretion.


• An initial quotation for the valet is given based on the information you provide on the condition of your vehicle. Where we inspect the vehicle and find a significantly greater level of soiling, we will provide you with a revised quote. This includes, but is not limited to, the presence of blood, vomit, human or animal faeces, paint, nail varnish, oil, mould and excessive pet hair.


• From time to time, we may need to cancel a booking due to adverse weather conditions. Where this happens, we will give you as much notice as possible and will provide priority access to an alternate appointment time. Where we’re unable to offer an alternate timeslot within 14 days of the initial appointment, we will provide a full refund of any deposit paid.


• Payment is due immediately following completion of work and can be made by cash or bank transfer to the following details:

o Account name: Lightbody motors

o Sort code: 56-00-36

o Account number: 39276171

o Reference: Name initials and service provided


• You should fully inspect your vehicle following completion of the work to ensure that it has been completed to your satisfaction and that no damage to the vehicle has been incurred. We pride ourselves on the quality of the service we offer, so if you’re unhappy with any aspect of our service please let us know so we can do our best to resolve it.

Additional conditions for maintenance scheme

The Maintenance Scheme must be booked either fortnightly or monthly. A 14 day grace period will be provided to allow for holidays and other delays but once this period has passed, a full valet will be required before the Maintenance Scheme can be resumed. If your car has been subject to any heavy soiling or excessive amount's of doghair in the time between cleans, please let us know in advance so we can be sure to allow sufficient time to get your car back in tip top condition. you will incur additional charges but at a discounted price.

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